We will be having our sixth meeting in ECSS 2.311, March 1st, 2017 at
7:00pm. We will be covering x86 assembly using GDB in a multi-part reverse
engineering series.
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19iWfcTWlaaiXvCSD6E0tHsLz2ytv9GCxF-a5KMXOPOk/edit?usp=sharing
To prepare for this meeting, please come with the following:
- A Linux VM prepared with gdb, gcc, and the files here: </assets/x86intro/x86code.zip>
- Virtualbox, Vagrant, and our Vagrantfile: </assets/x86intro/Vagrantfile>
To use Vagrant, load command prompt/terminal in the directory that contains the Vagrant file and run vagrant up
The password to login is username: vagrant and password: vagrant